80H Elietoga hill soils

soil map units where 80H Elietoga hill soils is dominant

Soil properties

Property Value
Geographic distribution Savaii
Landscape position Soils of the uplands - slightly dissected landscapes
Soil parent material from aa, scoria and pahoehoe basalt of the Mulifanua Volcanics
Slope Moderately steep to steep slopes of eroded scoria cones
Surface outcrops Surface gravelly, rarely bouldery. No rock outcrops.
Brief soil profile description -
Soil profile texture 3cm gravelly silt loam. 15cm gravelly silt loam. 33cm loamy gravel. on weathered scoria
Minimum effective rooting depth <70cm
Soil pH (acidity) Moderately acid (pH = 5.7)
Salinity Non saline
Soil fertility under natural conditions Moderate to low fertility. Topsoil Base saturation 48%, subsoil 25%. Moderate values for organic calcium (C) and exchangeable potassium (K).
Soil moisture regime Without dry season (Perudic moisture regime)
Susceptibility to drought No dry season. Rainfall >5000mm.
Soil drainage Well drained
Susceptibility to waterlogging Never waterlogs
Susceptibility to flooding Never floods

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