soil map units where 9b Sauniatu loamy sand is dominant
Soil properties
Property | Value |
Geographic distribution | - |
Landscape position | Soils of the coastlands, valley floors and their margins |
Soil parent material | from basaltic alluvium |
Slope | Undulating to flattish |
Surface outcrops | Surface locally bouldery or stony. No rock outcrops. |
Brief soil profile description | - |
Soil profile texture | 15cm gravelly loam. 53cm gravelly sandy clay. on gravels |
Minimum effective rooting depth | >125cm |
Soil pH (acidity) | Slightly acid (pH = pH = 6.5) |
Salinity | Non saline |
Soil fertility under natural conditions | Moderate to high fertility. Base saturation, organic carbon (C) and exchangeable potassium (K) values low. Available potassium (P) very high. |
Soil moisture regime | - |
Susceptibility to drought | 0-3 dry months. Rainfall 2250-4375mm. |
Soil drainage | Well drained |
Susceptibility to waterlogging | Waterlogging may occur 2-3 times in wet season. |
Susceptibility to flooding | Short duration (2-3 days) flooding associated with high intensity storms during the wet season. |