soil map units where 4a Mutiatele peaty loamy sand and sandy peat is dominant
Soil properties
Property | Value |
Geographic distribution | Upolo |
Landscape position | Soils of the coastlands, valley floors and their margins |
Soil parent material | from calcerous sand |
Slope | Flat, usually wet and with a swampy surface. |
Surface outcrops | Surface free from stones and boulders. No rock outcrops. |
Brief soil profile description | - |
Soil profile texture | 25cm peaty loamy sand. on slightly mottled shelly coarse sand |
Minimum effective rooting depth | <65cm |
Soil pH (acidity) | Topsoil slightly acid (pH = pH = 6.1). Subsoil moderately alkaline (pH = pH = 7.6). |
Salinity | High Exchangeable sodium (Na) |
Soil fertility under natural conditions | High fertility. Very high exchangeable potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) values. Available phosphorus (P) high |
Soil moisture regime | - |
Susceptibility to drought | 0-3 dry months. Rainfall 2000-4000mm. |
Soil drainage | Moderately well drained |
Susceptibility to waterlogging | Periodic high water table governed by high tides. |
Susceptibility to flooding | <30cm above sea level |