Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries - Matagaluega o Faatoaga ma Faigafaiva
Main MAF website -
Crop Advisory Section -
Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa (SROS)
Pacific Community (SPC)
PAFPNET - The Samoa Agriculture Policy Bank
University of the South Pacific - (USP - Alafua)
School of Agriculture and Food Technology (SAFT)
Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture (IRETA)
Pacific Farmers Organisations (PIFON)
Organisation and website to support farming communities and aimed at strengthening the livelihoods of smallholder farmers through stronger market linkages, stronger information sharing and a supportive policy environment.
Pacific Pests and Pathogens
PESTNET website and phone apps for identifying crop diseases and providing factsheets for recognising pests and diseases of common crops grown in the Pacific region.
If you have additional suggestions for useful links or would like to add you web site to this list - please send details using the contact us form